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Selasa, 19 Mei 2015

Agama Dan Jenis Jenisnya


Before entering deeper we must first know what religion is, after we know what we get in the new religion of Islam!

RELIGION namely:  A                     : NO
                                    GAMA            : MESS

so the definition of "RELIGION" is NOT MESS.

Religion is twofold:

    Religion ardi
    Religions of the Book

           namely religion created by the man himself.

    religion is made by man
    his book is made by man
    down from earth

ardi religious types:

    HINDU                   : Created Theng who birth in India who hindusia berkitapWEDA
    BUDDHISM          : Created shindustan berkitap who birth in India who TRAPITAKA
    CHRISTIAN          : Christian has evolved GOSPEL between the old covenant and the new covenant.

Among them;
    gospel martius
    gospel yohanes
    gospel lucas

2. The divine religions (SKY RELIGION)
          GOD is religion passed down through the angel zibril that the messengers of GOD.

    Religion created by GOD
    His book Al-Quran
    US revealed through angel ZIBRIL to Rosullullah

Type Religion: ISLAM
    Katamullah: Words of GOD
    Kitabullah: BOOK OF GOD
    Al-Huda; Hints of GOD
    Al-Furqan: HUK.Perbedaan of GOD
    Al-Hakim: Court GOD
    Al-Law: Sources of law GOD

Islam is a religion that is in accordance with human nature, both in terms of 'aqidah, Shari'ah, worship, and other muamalah. Allah Allah Almighty sent man to face and into the religion of nature. Allah Allah Almighty says. "" So hadapkanlah with a straight face to the religion (Islam); (according to) the nature of God that He has created man in His (nature) of it. There is no change in God's creation. (That's) straight religion, but most people do not know ".
Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "It is not an infant is born except in a state of nature, then both his parents who make her a men-Jews, Christians, or Zoroastrians". It is impossible, Allah Allah Almighty who has created man, then Allah Allah Almighty give burden to his servants what they can not do.

Islam (Arabic, al-isl? M) "surrender to God") is a religion that believed in one God, Allah. These religions include religions of the Book (the religions that are believed by his followers descended from the sky) and included in the class religion of Abraham.
With more than a quarter of a billion followers worldwide [1] [2], make Islam the second largest religion in the world. Followers of Islam, known as Muslims, while more details are Muslims for men and for women's Women.

Islam teaches that Allah sent His word to man through prophets and apostles of His messengers, and sincerely believe that the Prophet Muhammad. is the last prophet and messenger who was sent into the world by God.

Muslims believe that All? H lowered his word to man through prophets and apostles of His messengers, such as the Prophet Adam., Noah., Ibrahim., Musa., Isa., And other prophets (for more he added, please read the article about the prophets and apostles in Islam) are terminated by the Prophet Muhammad. as a messenger of God's prophets and apostles last of all time (Khataman-nabiyyin). Muslims also believe in the Qur'an as scripture and guidance of their lives given by God to the Prophet Muhammad. through the intermediary of the Angel Gabriel is perfect and there is no doubt in it (Surat al-Baqara: 2).

God also has promised to maintain the authenticity of the Koran until the end of time in a paragraph.
Muslims also believe that Islam is a religion professed by all prophets and messengers of God's messengers since the time of Prophet Adam., So of course Abraham. also embraced Islam (Sura Al-Baqarah: 130-132) 2: 130. This view of putting Islam Judaism and Christianity together in clumps religions believe Abraham. In the Qur'an, many Jews and Christians are often referred to as the Book or the People of the Book.

If the person has entered the Islamic religion, they must abide by the Five Pillars of Islam are:
1. Giving two creed sentence and believe that no one has the right to be obeyed and worshiped except Allah alone right and believes that the Prophet Muhammad is the servant and messenger of God.
2. Establish the prayer five times a day.
3. Paying Zakat.
4. Fasting during Ramadan.
5. accomplishing the pilgrimage for those who can afford.

As well as those of Islam must believe in the pillars of faith that consists of six cases, namely:
1. Faith in God
2. Faith in God's angels
3. Faith in Allah's book (the Koran, the Bible, the Torah, the Psalms, sheet Ibrahim)
4. Faith in prophets and messengers of God
5. Faith in the Day of Judgment
6. Faith in the qada and qadar
In Islamic education to a science as it is enjoined in explained in a hadith which means: "Seek knowledge even up to China"

Definition of  Religion
Religion is a reality that is always kind of humans. Religion appears in people's lives in a variety of dimensions and history. Then it is not easy to define religion. Including classifying a person whether he is involved in a religion or not. According to the Oxford Student's Dictionary (1978) defines religion (religion) with "a belief in the existence of a supernatural force in that creates and controls the universe. Religion (religion) in a broad sense can be defined as a system of orientation and an object of devotion. In this sense all people are religious beings, because nobody can live without a system that is set and remains in good health. Culture that flourished in the middle of human behavior is a product of human religiosity.

Types of  Religion

Associated with religious meaning above then indeed be very broad definition of religion. Nobody who do not adhere to a religion. Perhaps someone says he is not religious but in fact he has made a particular teaching becomes religion.

Judging from the source of religion is divided into two types, namely:
a. Celestial religions (Christian Revelation)
Heavenly religions (religious revelation) is the religion accepted by man of God the Creator through the Angel Gabriel and delivered and deployed by His messenger to mankind such as Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity Islam dam.
b. Ardhi religion (Religion Not Revelation)
Ardhi religion (religion is not a revelation) is a religion created by humans as Buddhist, Hindu, Confucian.

Differences in the two types of religion was stated Al Masdoosi in Living Religious of the World as follows:

a) The religion of revelation be based on the concept of the oneness of God whereas religion is not a revelation is not the case.
b) Religion faithful revelation to the Prophet, while religion is not a revelation not.
c) In a major source of religious guidance revelation of good and bad is a revealed scripture, whereas religion is not the revelation of scripture is not important.
d) All divine religions born in the Middle East, while religion is not a revelation born out of it.
e) Religion revelation was born in areas that are under the influence of race semetik.
f) in accordance with the teachings of revelation religion is a missionary religion, while religion is not a missionary religion revelation.
g) The doctrine clearly and unequivocally revealed religion, while religion is not a revelation vague and elastic.
h) Religion revelation gives clear direction and complete both the spiritual and material aspects, whereas religion is not a revelation more focused on the spiritual aspect alone, as in Taoism, or in any material aspect as in Confucianism.


     Existence of  Religion
The reality of religion as seen by experts from various viewpoints. Phenomena and behavior of the followers of the religion of interest to psychologists to investigate the religion, such as the phenomenon of self and so on. Some psychologists, among others, Freud considers that religion comes from the inability of the human face of natural forces outside himself and also the strength of the instinct in him. The emergence of religion in the first level of human development occurs when humans have not been able to use their minds to deal with forces that exist outside and inside.
He must face or regulate the force with the help of other forces effective. Freud saw religion as a human phenomenon primitive or at least not at this stage of childhood development. Religion is seen as an illusion or imagination of children who are full of fantasies and dreams.
Muhammad Iqbal denied Freud by stating that there are indeed religions that have paved the way cowardly runaway from the realities of life. But it is not true for all religions. Religion is not a physics or chemistry seeking description of nature in the sense of cause and effect. Religion interprets a part of human experience totally different, a concrete experience in the human soul that has lasted a long time. This experience proved both resourceful and pragmatic thinkers and prophets in the long history of man.

Sociologists see religion as a social phenomenon is also keen to investigate the religion. A sociologist, Aguste Comte (1789-1853), religious judge as one part of the stages of thought that developed in the history of civilization. According to Comte, there are three stages of intellectual development. The first, called the theological or fictional stage, that stage where humans interpret the symptoms surrounding theologically. Against the forces that control the universe in the form of spirit gods or God Almighty. This interpretation is essential for humans to adapt to a hostile environment and to protect itself against the factors that unexpected onset. Second, the development of the first stage, ie the stage of metaphysics.

 At this stage man thinks that in every symptom there are forces or certain core that will eventually be disclosed. Humans are still tied to the ideals without verification due to the belief, that every ideals related to something specific reality and there is no attempt to discover laws of nature are uniform. The latter is of positive science which is the third or last stage of human development. A positive science when science is focusing on the symptoms of the real and concrete without any hindrance from other considerations.

Comte opinion does not really describe, the condition of the history of human civilization itself. In the 13th century there are still many people in Europe who believe that the arrival of Halley's Comet is a bad sign for the power of kings who ruled the middle. While at the beginning of the 7th century AD, the Prophet Muhammad. who spread Islam has opposed the opinions of his companions who claimed that eclipses sun or moon due to the birth or death of a person.

Function of Religion in Human life
a)         Functions of Religions for Life
The first function of religion, is to define who I am and who God is, and how my connection with God. For Muslims, this dimension is named as hablun minallah and he merupakah scope of human researching and reviewing the validity of belief in yourself and God menghuraikan issues that I mentioned earlier. Conversations about the first function range of the Deity, Prophethood, Validity Minutes and so on.
When the second function of religion is to define who I am in the interpersonal context that is how my connection with humans. For Muslim readers, this category I referral to it as hablun minanna as.

There are several reasons why religion is very important in human life, among other things:
a. Because religion is a source of moral
b. Because religion is a hint of truth
c. Because religion is a source of information about metaphysical issues.
d. Because religion provides spiritual guidance for people both in times like, as well as in times of sorrow.
Humans are born into this world since the weak and helpless, and do not know anything as Allah says in Surah An-Nahl (16): 78
God brought you from your mother's belly in a state of not knowing anything. He made for you hearing, sight and hearts, but few of them are grateful. (Q. S. An-Nahl (16): 78)

In such circumstances, people always influenced by various temptation and seduction, both from within and from outside himself. Temptation and seduction of the man is divided into two parts, namely:

Ø temptation and seduction are trying to attract people into the good of the environment, which in the words of Al-Ghazali in his book Revival Ulumuddin called malak Al-Hidayah which forces trying to attract people to the guidance or goodness.

Ø temptation and seduction are trying to deceive men to crime, which in the words of Al-Ghazali called malak al-ghiwayah, the forces that try to attract men to the crime.

Therein lies the function of religion in human life, which is a good guide man beaten path and prevent people from crime and etc.

            Religion functions To Humans
In terms of pragmatism, one that adheres to a religion is caused by function. For most people, a religion that serves to keep the happiness of life. But in terms of social science, the function of religion has other dimensions such as those described below:

- Giving worldview to one-on-one human culture.
Religion is said to give a world view to mankind because he sentiasanya enlighten the world (as a whole), and also the position of man in the world. Pekara illumination for this is actually difficult to reach through inderia humans, but little illumination than the philosophy. For example, Islam explained to his flock THAT world is a creation of God and every human being must obey the command of Allah.

- Answer Various Questions that are not able to be answered by man.
Sesetangah Questions were asked by a man who was always the Questions that are not answered by the human mind itself. Questions Examples of life after death, matlamat attractive and to answer is necessary. Then, that religion serves to answer this anxious.

- Giving a sense kekitaan to something human groups.
Religion is a factor in the formation of human groups. This is because the system is not religious uniformity sake only cause the same beliefs, even behavior, worldview and values.

Religion destination
One purpose of religion is to form air-budipekerti his soul with perfect good manners with his Lord and the community. All religions have very perfect because it can lead people to behave properly and justified. evil ways and attitudes air delivery due to ignorance of the religion than the religion of his goal. Worsening and to compare one with the other religions is a reflection of the ignorance of the religion.

Some religious purposes, namely:
§ uphold human trust only in God, the Almighty God (Tawheed).
§ Set in the world of human life, so life well organized, so as to achieve kesejahterahan life, physically and spiritually, the world and the hereafter.
§ Uphold and carry out worship only God.
§ Enhancing human morals.

Benefits of  Religion For Humans
1. Can educate the human soul be at rest, patience, resignation and so on. The more so when he is in distress and difficulty.
2. Can provide capital to man to be a man of big heart, strong and not easily subjugated by anyone.
3. Can educating people dare to uphold truth and not be afraid to make mistakes.
4. Can give suggestions to humans so that their souls grow key traits such as humility, courtesy, mutual respect, and so on. Religion forbids people to not be arrogant, spiteful, riya and so on.

Religion is a system of belief in God or principle embraced by the man in his belief that there is in man himself.

Religion has two types, namely:
1. heavenly religion, which religion received by humans from God the Creator through the Angel Gabriel and delivered and deployed by His messenger to mankind such as Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity Islam dam.
2. Religion ardhi, namely religion created by humans as Buddhist, Hindu, Confucian.

The existence of religion today is very broad, because humans living on this earth all have their individual belief, although there who do not have a religion, but they've made the teaching / new religion to believe in themselves.

Religion serves to guide humanity to a road which is good and prevent people from crime or kemungkaran while the goal is to establish air-budipekerti his soul with perfect good manners with his Lord and the community.


So that we can describe the subject matter became the subject of this paper, of course, there are still many shortcomings and weaknesses, because tertbatasnya knowledge and lack of referral or reference that has to do with the title of this paper.

Writer much hope dear readers would deign to give criticism and constructive suggestions to the author of this paper and for the sake of perfect paper writing in the next opportunities. Hopefully this paper is useful for writers, especially for dear readers in general.


Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra, et al, College of Education Religion In Public, Jakarta: Director General of Ministry of RI, 2002

- See more at: http://www.irwandasyahputra.com/2012/02/agama-dan-jenis-jenisnya.html#sthash.C066NaME.dpuf

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